Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ma ei ole väga ammu kirjutanud...

It's funny, how you can be sick for almost a month and you even doesn't know it. I actually don't know yet.. but sort of, and it's a little bit scary. And why me? That's the question we always ask when smth bad is happening to us, "why me?" I don't know, maybe because before we do smth stupid we think " That's never gonna happen to me!" How stupid... Human being is one stupid and selfish creature. I don't want to talk about it, why we are stupid, 'cause you know by youself, why.
If you ask me how do I feel, then I can't answer it, because I don't know... tired and sick? But mentally... That's also very complicated, I really don't know. I can't understand how I feel. I cant say that " I smile and laugh on the outside, but actually I cry on the inside." No definetly not, but I can't say that I'm happy at the moment. Sometimes expression on my face is maybe... horrifying, numb ect... But if somebody talks to me, then I start smiling and talking like one happy person. Why do I do that? I don't know... Maybe because I really am in a good mood, or maybe it's just a reflex.
Also, have you ever felt, that you just can't remember things that you said anymore? For the last months I started to forget things, not only what I said also what I did... Sometimes I can't remebmer what I wanted to do, or what I did last DAY! That has never happend to me before. I personnaly think, it's because I'm not thinking a lot lately, I mean.. I don't study, and my memory just dosn't work like it used to. I just need to exercise it, that's all, but, I'm too lazy...
I would really want to know, what's happening to me??? What is wrong with me, why do I feel that something crashed in million pieces and went lost... I don't know what to do... I would really like someone to come up to me, and help me... please... I'm really lost, like a child in the unknown neighbourhood. I'm very tired...tired of nothing and everything. And sometimes I feel very alone, even when my friends surround me. I miss that one part of me so much

Ma vajan seda tugevat õlga, millele toetuda.



  1. Oeh, mul on ka tihti see, et ei mäleta, mida isegi eile tegin. Mõtlesin, et see on ebanormaalne juba, Aga ma arvan, et see on selle pärast, et kõik päevad on nii ühtemoodi ja rutiinsed umbes nagu: tüütu ärakamine-kool-kodu-arvuti ja õppimine-magamine-tüütu ärkamine... jne.

  2. Jaa, ajab suht hulluks küll, kui ei tule meelde, kellele ma mida rääkisin ja muu selline.
